Lawyer to Recall a Warrant Michael Erpino
What is a Warrant?
There are several types of warrants. A “Search Warrant” authorizes law enforcement to search your home, vehicle, property, or your person. An “Arrest Warrant” means law enforcement is authorized to arrest you for an alleged crime. A “Bench Warrant” is issued by a Judge, usually because you missed a Court date or you violated a previous Court order. If you are presented with a Search Warrant there is very little an Attorney can do to stop law enforcement from executing the warrant. However, we may be able to challenge the warrant in court if a case is filed against you using evidence obtained during the search.
What if I have a Warrant?
If you find out you have a Warrant you should deal with it immediately. Call (530) 898-1111 to schedule a free consultation with a Lawyer to recall your warrant. Your options include surrendering yourself to the agency holding the warrant, or hiring an Attorney to file a Motion to Recall the Warrant. If you surrender yourself you could be taken into custody and held until law enforcement brings you before a Judge. If you do not deal with the warrant you can be arrested at any time by any law enforcement agent who is authorized to do so. Ignoring a warrant for your arrest is never a good option.
Why Hire a Lawyer to Recall a Warrant?
A Defense Lawyer can help you figure out why the warrant issued in the first place. Sometimes Judges or Law Enforcement issue Warrants without bothering to tell you. In many cases you won’t receive a ticket or a notice to appear in court, nor will you be informed that charges have been filed against you. In some cases you may not even be aware that you were the subject of a criminal investigation. If you find out about a warrant your lawyer can file a Motion to Recall the Warrant without you having to go into custody first.
Felony Warrants
If you hire an Attorney to deal with an existing arrest warrant for Felony charges, you must appear with your Lawyer in Court. If the Judge agrees to recall the warrant you might still be required to post bail to remain out of custody. Conversely, the Judge may agree to release you on “your own recognizance,” also called an “O/R Release”. That is essentially a release without posting bail and secured only by your promise to return to Court when ordered.
Misdemeanor Warrants
If your case is a misdemeanor your Lawyer can usually file a Motion to Recall the Warrant and then appear for you in Court. In most cases, you will not have to appear unless the Judge orders you to be present, or if the Judge requires your presence to impose sentence or serve you with any orders.
Lawyer to Recall a Warrant
If you have a Warrant out for your arrest in Butte, Glenn, Tehama, Yuba, Sutter, or Colusa County, call (530) 898-1111 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation. If you do not deal with the Warrant you can be taken into custody at any time by law enforcement. Additionally, a Warrant could effect your ability to get a driver’s license, a job, or to travel. Don’t wait to be picked up by law enforcement, deal it with it today.
Free Consultations
(530) 898-1111